
Privacy (D. Lgs. 196/2003)

With regard to the provisions of the D. lgs.196/03, we inform (Art. 13 D. lgs.196/03) that your personal data voluntarily provided by you through this website or via email are processed exclusively by us for the management of the response and for practices required by Italian law.

Some data in the form to request information on this site, are required to beginning the process of response. The refusal from you to provide such data would result in the failure to send the request. In no other case your personal data will be used or disclosed to others. Do not you will be asked to give any consent as the data that you send us fall in cases exempted under paragraphs b) and d) of Art. 24, D. lgs 196/2003. The data processing is done manually and on computer media Electronic password-protected and in the utmost confidentiality.

Owner and the controller is Mr. Fabio Di Lupo, c / o Guide Tuscany, Via Bargagna, 60, 56124 Pisa (PI), Italy, Phone +39 050 580201, to whom you may contact at any moment and free of charge, to consult, integrate, modify or delete your data or to oppose, in whole or in part to their use for the purpose aforesaid, as provided by 'Art 7, D. lgs. 196/2003.

Advertising based on user interest in portals GuidaToscana

To post ads on our web site we use independent advertising companies. These companies may use these data (which does not include your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites to create advertisements about products and services you might enjoy. If you need more information to this respect and to know the options available to prevent the use of such information by these companies, click here .

As an independent supplier, Google uses cookies to publish ads on the site
The use of the DART cookie allows Google to serve ads to users based on their visit and other websites.
The user can choose not to use the DART cookie by visiting on Google on privacy for the content network and for ads.


A cookie is a small text file containing a string of alphanumeric characters. There are two types of cookies: persistent cookies and session cookies. A persistent cookie is placed on your web browser in the cookie folder of your computer's hard drive. A persistent cookie remains in the cookie, which is managed by your web browser, even after you close the browser. A session cookie is temporary and disappears after you close the browser. The products of publication of results announcements and paid search ( "DART Search") to use the same DoubleClick cookie: the cookie DART. The DART cookie is a persistent cookie, and is the domain name that has set the cookie ( ""), the length of the cookie and the parameter "value". The DoubleClick DART technology generates a unique set of characters for the portion to "value" of the cookie.

Effect that produces the DoubleClick cookie on my computer?

If your Cookies folder is a DoubleClick cookie, it is very likely that this is a DART cookie. The DoubleClick DART cookie allows operators to know the marketing of performance of their advertising campaigns on the Internet or its results of paid search. Many marketing and Internet sites using DoubleClick DART technology to run their ads, or manage your search results to a fee. Products for DoubleClick DART set or recognize a unique persistent cookie when you see an ad or you select a result of paid search. The information that the operators obtained through the marketing DART cookie, include the number of unique users who viewed their ads, the number of users who clicked on their ads or on their results, paid search on the Internet and ads, or the result of paid search on which they have clicked.

Web beacons

Web beacons are small strings of HTML code into a webpage. Are sometimes called "clear GIFs" (Graphics Interchange Format) or "pixel tags." Web beacons are used primarily in conjunction with cookies for the generation of advertising on the site Web beacons allow us to obtain statistical data regarding the activities and features that most interest the customer in order to provide more personalized content. They are not used to access your personal information without consent. Because a Web beacon is only 1 pixels high x 1 pixel wide, it is invisible on the computer screen.