The football teams from Tuscany, Florence, Pisa, Grosseto, Serie A and Series B

Fiorentina, Pisa, Grosseto, Serie A and Series B

16 April 2008 / News

The football teams Tuscan

Free Day victories for the Tuscan of A and B that are now entering a phase of the championship where you should err as little as possible.

The defeat leaves Fiorentina in the big match against Inter Milan recovered and launched a large Vieira and Cambiasso networks and Balotelli in the shooting. For the first time the Viola had played well, even if Frey had to make four major speeches, and being dominated ball possession. Understand the decrease in recovery due to fatigue after winning Cup in Eindhoven. At San Siro have partially disappointed Mutu and Montolivo among the best in Holland, while an impalpable Pazzini has been replaced by an Vieri positive, the only one capable of impensierire Julio Cesar. Are happy to breach the results of other competitors for the post in Champions, which were defeats, leaving the situation unchanged by one day.

In the area Relegation seems to be finally released on a Siena who takes a beautiful all'olimpico tie with Lazio. In goal for Lazio Mutarelli answered in the final Loria favored by a duck to Muslera. Pari also important for the comeback that Empoli Parma (Lucarelli goal) at the Castellani through a feat of Sebastian Giovinco and hopefully still in salvation, only one point away from its Emilian.

Livorno lost yet another battle against salvation Cagliari now and save between the teams in better shape. I go to Leghorn 1 'with the captain Galante but a double Acquafresca to send into orbit the Sardinians who then dominate and almost three times more network. The amaranth of Camolese are now alone in last place and Saturday are expected all'olimpico by a Roma still battling with Inter for the Scudetto.

Series B draw even in the Pisa home against Messina, which tends only to defend themselves and brings the 0-0 at home. The Nerazzurri are still far from the best form but at least they found the inspiration for Alessio Cerci returned to the field after more than two months of absence.

Grosseto little incisive and defeated at home by a Triestina in good condition that passes ahead with its bombers Granoche. Like the immediate Danilevicius, yet to sign, but definitely forward Petras shows the halberd. I maremmani however still 8 points at Treviso, quint'ultimo, defeated in Mantua.

Andrea Chiavacci