Colline toscane

On holiday in Colline Senesi

A trip to Tuscany in Siena Hills to discover medieval towns like San Gimignano, Monteriggioni and Volterra.

Towers in San Gimignano The ancient towns clustered around the medieval city of Siena provide an original idea than the larger cities scattered around the Tuscan capital. This is a collection of small towns far more interesting than the small towns near Florence Especially with regards to their bucolic pastoral aspect that has become famous throughout the area.

San Gimignano is by far the finest and most famous thanks to the group of towers that give it a medieval single from their peak, you can enjoy a breathtaking panorama. Walking through the dense grid of streets that makes San Gimignano, the tourist has the opportunity to visit a number of attractions such as beautiful collegiate covered with frescoes, churches and child-stocked museum. To visit all recommend staying in one of several albereghi, hotel or bed and breakfast at nearby Siena or at least for a few days.

For reservations in hotels, Bed and Breakfast, Residence and holidays lastminute recommend:

Tuscan Holiday


Another small-best-preserved medieval city than San Gimignano and Monteriggioni, a village not known very well that you can include as a step for a tourist visit to Colle Val d'Elsa, too often ignored by tourists who do not expect to find much beauty in a landscape unattractive.

Praetorian Palace and Tower Piggy - Volterra Finally, we recommend a visit to Volterra, a little 'distant from the other two cities of senesi coli. Volterra has ancient origins dating back to the time of the Etruscans. Known for the manufacture of alabaster and the beautiful archaeological museum, an interesting art gallery, a museum of torture and the square on which stands the cathedral, one of the most beautiful in Italy.