Eating in Lucca

The stay in Lucca is made even more enjoyable if accompanied by a gastronomic journey to discover the Tuscan specialties prepared with simple ingredients and genuine, typical of these areas to enjoy the ancient cooking peasant-based dishes called "poor" as pasta and beans, soup, rice and chickpeas, lentils and farro.
The whole centre is animated by a succession of local style typically Tuscan such as inns and taverns, bars and pubs where listen to good live music, particularly in Piazza dell'Anfiteatro.
How many places in Tuscany, Lucca is full of events and festivities including folk and Fair, Summer Festival and the Santa Luminara Cross.
The squares and streets attract the attention of many local visitors and tourists with artistic events in honor of Lucca culture and festivals and bars where you can enjoy recipes age-old tradition.

Links to eat well in Lucca